Monday, January 22, 2018

Intro to Machine Learning and Using Azure ML Studio

Hi there My Dear Friends ,

Today we speak about Machine Learning ,
it 's a great Topic and one of the Most Searched Terms in Google.

you want a Quick Brief about Machine Learning and How to use Microsoft Azure Machine Learning Studio,
Check out this Useful Article Here  that will Give you a simple intro to warm your Engines.

note :
After you make you finish your Azure ML Experiment ,
you can simply publish it as a Web service by following this link 
 if You are interested more in Learning about Machine Learning ,
check out Andrew At Coursera Here ,A great Course I personally recommend,

Saturday, November 4, 2017

Learning Node JS

IF you are interested in learning Node Js
this is a Very Great Playlist to start with 

I have followed the playlist step by step and created my first project "Dairies using Node JS",
you will learn how to use

  • npm :node package manger
  • MongoDB : A non sql DB ,if you are new to this check out the Crash Course here 
  • ExpressJS : A NodeJs Framework ,if you are new to Express ,check out the Crash Course here .
  • Passprot :for Authentication.

free hosting for node JS here 

my git hub for the project :here

Friday, July 29, 2016

My First Windows Form Game

Hi there Everyone ,Glade That you made here,
Check out my First C# Windows form Application ,
it's very amusing and Yet you can implement and Enjoy doing that .
I 've learned it from a youtube video link here.
and That The Source Code of The Game  here
You can play it by downloading the exe
Ping Pong is Very Intersting ,and has the following properties:
1-Ability to pause/resume the game using (P/C buttons).
2-Ability to Start /End Game using (R/ESC buttons ).
3-Score Increases by more winning :D .
Further Improvements:
1-Collision detection with bounce.
2-sounds when obtaining bounce.
3-general music when playing.
That is My first game I ever developed from scratch ,I welcome comments and Any one who wants further improvements or add more functionalities your welcomed to use the source code .
mail me at :
29-June-2016 .

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Java -practicing Loops

Hi there ,Happy That you made it here :D
today we learn about Java Loops
Loops is a simple way to repeat a specific instruction more that once ,
for example if you want to add all numbers from one to ten,
you will add them like that : 1 + 2 +...+10 ,
but yet a better way to make a loop
for example for loop :
int t =0;
for (int i = 1; i <11 ;i++)
t += i;
a good way to read more on tutorials point website
a good practice to have from  Hacker Rank 
and Solution is here